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To learn.


Inspire, Educate, Transform.

inSIGHT’s simple, profound mission: to inspire and educate, encouraging kindness, acceptance and respect for all, using lessons learned from the Holocaust and other genocides to recognize and oppose antisemitism, hatred and bigotry.

inSIGHT teaches students to be “Upstanders not Bystanders” by examining the consequences of when "good people do nothing."

inSIGHT sponsors teacher training through relationships with the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Centropa and the United States Holocaust Museum, enabling thoughtful insight for curriculum development for all district teachers.

inSIGHT was established in 2010 to help fund Holocaust education mandated by Florida . In 2020, the passage of HB1213 added antisemitism to the instruction regarding the history of the Holocaust.



in Palm Beach County

Holocaust Education

inSIGHT supports the requirement of Florida Public Schools to designate a week in November as Holocaust Education Week. This week also commemorates the anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of the Pogroms) throughout Germany. Many modern historians believe this event marked the beginning of the Holocaust.

inSIGHT has proudly funded over a million dollars in grants and programming to Palm Beach County schools since its inception.

inSIGHT is a not-for-profit,

non-sectarian 501(c) (3) all volunteer


Thank You To Those Who Have Helped Us Make A Difference

“I don’t like that man. I must get to know him.”

 Abraham Lincoln

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