Individual Tickets: $75
Tickets available online until 1 PM and at the door.
Each household will receive a signed copy of The Little Liar.
Tickets will be sent via email for the pre-reception and the event one week before the event.
Benefactor program advertisement submission is now CLOSED
Join us as we begin our 15th Anniversary celebration!
This fundraising event celebrates inSIGHT’s initiatives and a growing impact in our community. Join us in recognizing those pivotal to our success. Bestselling author Mitch Albom will speak about his latest book, The Little Liar.
A timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to overcome the most tragic of circumstances and redeem us in the end.
For Benefactor Opportunities Available
For Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities contact:
Gail Danto and Art Roffey
Robin and David Gelles
Ellen and Bernie Gottlieb
Karp Family Foundation
Dana and Jonathan Keller
Ellen and Mark Levine
Iris Markel and Clark Monish
Linda and Rudy Slucker
Sydelle Sonkin
Barbara Baumstein & Carl Ekstein
Joan and Bob Epstein
Barbara Field
Simone Karp and Family
Sharyn and Ron Kranzler
Kathleen and Michael Leob
Vivian Lieberman
Debbie and Jeff Mann
Leyah and David Namoff
Shelley and Nathan Rabhan
Eunice and Milton Ring Foundation
Steve and Stefanie Rosner
Barbara and Peter Sidel
Hope and Gene Silverman
Kelly and Jerry Warsaw
Irma Blauner
Belle and Harvey Cole
Marjorie and Norman Feinstein
David and Stephanie Gitlin
Linda and Marc Gordon
Susan and Norman Oblon
Vicki and Richard Rosenthal
Abby and Ronald Shumacher
Robin and Mitchell Wayne
Debbi and Mark Abramson
Judy Auerbach-Adamo and Frank Adamo
Lois Alperstein
Erika and Michael Barr
Ann and Bob Barth
Laney and Harold Becker
Stephanie and Louis Bell
Marilyn Blank
Julie and David Buckner
Maria and John Cadete
Linda and Michael Eigner
Richard Fleisher
Elizabeth A. Cheshire and Fred M. Gober
Linda Greenhouse
Barbara and Bob Hurwit
Betsy and Vincent Joseph
Sue and Ed Kline
Ruth and Martin Krall
Roz Lewy and Ralph Insinger
Erna and Sam Liebovich
Ellen and Bruce Malasky
Vicki and Gary Pines
Lois and Phillip Proger
Diane and Brent Rosenthal
Jo and Rob Steinhart
Stacey and David Trachten
Diane M. and James E. Vogel
Karen and Steve Weiss
Carolyn and Michael Yasuna
Bonnie and Stuart Youngentob
Cynthia and Morton Zetlin
Carol and Jack Adelson
Joyce and David Berkowitz
Marjorie and Paul Berkley
Edie Broida
Marni and Bill Cohen
Heidi and Jon DuBois
Tootsie and Mark Eisenberg
Carol and Randy Emer
Marion Fainman
Melissa and Jeff Fishman
Jill Ganzler
Lori and Larry Garon
Mindy Hanken
Nancy and Jeff Linder
Lynn and Darryl Lippman
Dedee and Stephen Lovell
Ann and Charles Marmelstein
Carol and Paul Mendez
Alice and Asher Michaeli
Janet and Andy Pace
Janet and Marc Pfeffer
Ellen Seigal Pollack and Alfred Friedman
Geri and Ken Pozner
Mikki and Michael Rocker
Carole and Paul Rosen
Mary and Burt Schwartz
Debra and Allen Sheldon
Penny and Greg Sherry
Susan and Jeffrey Shoham
Nancy and Rich Shuman
Lisa and Paul Steinhardt
Fran and Jerry Uzansky
Gail and Marc Weingarten
Karen and Mark Weinstein
Paula and Alan Wiseman
Honorary Chairs:
Judy and David Karp
Event Chairs:
Julie and David Buckner | Carolyn and Michael Yasuna
Honoring Community Partners:

Season Presenting Sponsors*

*as of December 2nd